Countries adopt RERA cross-border guidelines
April 2013
SEVEN SADC Member States have adopted common guidelines governing cross-border power trading. The guidelines for national regulators were developed by the Regional Electricity Regulators Association of Southern Africa (RERA), and adopted by SADC Energy Ministers in 2010.
Mozambique gets US$65 million loan for power station rehabilitation
February 2013
MOZAMBIQUE IS expected to boosts power production after the national power utility, Electricidade de Moçambique (EDM) secured a loan from France for the rehabilitation of two power stations.
Zambia, AfDB sign power loan agreement
February 2013
ZAMBIA AND the African Development Bank (AfDB) have signed a US$55 million loan agreement for the construction of the Itezhi-Tezhi hydropower station and transmission line.
Energy Sector Plan targets surplus, sets priorities
December 2012
THE SADC region has suffered a shortage of electricity since 2007 as demand exceeds supply, and the expectation is that this energy gap will be addressed by 2014. However, the implementation of projects can lag behind their planned dates due to a lack of funding and other constraints.
Batoka power project to commence soon
December 2012
ZAMBIA AND Zimbabwe have stepped up efforts to construct the long-awaited Batoka Gorge hydropower station.
Batoka Gorge is located on the Zambezi River about 50km downstream of Victoria Falls and bordering both countries. When operational, the US$2.4 billion plant will have the capacity to produce up to 1,600 Megawatts (MW) of electricity.
Upgrade of Zambian transmission infrastructure to boost SADC energy security
August 2012
REGIONAL POWER trading in southern Africa is set to improve following plans by Zambia to refurbish key transmission infrastructure that connects the country to neighbouring Namibia and the rest of the Southern African Power Pool (SAPP).