User Portal

About the SADC Energy Portal

Welcome to the portal of the SADC Energy Thematic Group (ETG) of International Cooperating Partners (ICPs) chaired by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). The Energy Portal is an information and knowledge sharing initiative of the ICPs active in the SADC Energy Sector and is designed to promote coordinated approaches to bilateral and multilateral support for energy Projects and Programmes in the southern African region.

This portal is part of the Communicating Energy in Southern Africa Project whose goal is to raise regional awareness among stakeholders in southern Africa about key regional energy issues. The main target groups are private sector, investors, policy makers, media, universities, civil society and other stakeholders.Communicating Energy in Southern Africa Project is implemented by the Regional Economic Development Institute (REDI) of the Southern African Research and Documentation Centre (SARDC), in collaboration with the Energy Division of the SADC Secretariat, and with support from the Austrian Development Agency (ADA).

Please login to theThe Southern Africa Energy Portal to access  the following information which is regularly updated: Information sheets on Projects and Programmes supported by ICPs through Bilateral or Multilateral arrangements; Minutes; and Other Documents from recent ETG meetings, restricted to ETG Partners only who can LOGIN using a password provided by the Portal Administrator.

The rest of the portal allows free access to knowledge products including the SADC Energy Thematic Group Bulletin; Policy Briefs; SADC Today which are also available in the Virtual Library for Southern Africa at Knowledge for Development.