Africa to launch first information portal on energy
August 2014
AFRICA WILL soon launch the first continent-wide information portal on energy to allow easy access to up-to date data.
The Africa Information and Communication Network (AICN) will provide progress of the Sustainable Energy for All (SE4ALL) Initiative and as well as provide information on the impact of projects implemented under the initiative.
SE4ALL is an initiative launched by the United Nations in September 2011, focusing on three goals. These are:
• Ensuring universal access to modern energy services;
• Doubling the global rate of improvement in energy efficiency;
• Doubling the share of renewable energy in the global energy mix by 2030.
Africa has taken the lead in responding to the initiative, with 44 countries from the continent having adopted the programme out of 84 globally.
Member states are required to set up mechanisms to make universal access to durable modern energy services a priority.
The SE4ALL is being coordinated by the NEPAD Agency, the African Union Commission and African Development Bank.
NEPAD Head of Energy, Professor Mosad Elmissiry said timely access to essential information on the SE4ALL Initiative and its implementation status at global, regional and national level is a powerful tool for African stakeholders to effectively plan and utilise financing opportunities that the initiative opens up for Africa.
The information hub will also be an important tracking tool for policy makers, investors and others to gather and provide information on sustainable energy projects in Africa.