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Batoka power project to commence soon

December 2012
ZAMBIA AND Zimbabwe have stepped up efforts to construct the long-awaited Batoka Gorge hydropower station.

Batoka Gorge is located on the Zambezi River about 50km downstream of Victoria Falls and bordering both countries. When operational, the US$2.4 billion plant will have the capacity to produce up to 1,600 Megawatts (MW) of electricity.


According to the agreement, Zambia and Zimbabwe will share the power equally, but since the two countries are members of the Southern African Power Pool (SAPP) much of the electricity will be fed into the regional power grid.

All mainland SADC Member States with the exception of Angola, Malawi and Tanzania, are interconnected through SAPP.

The Zambezi River Authority, a joint authority of Zambia and Zimbabwe which manages developments the Zambezi River for the two countries, approved the project a few years ago.

Spokesperson Elizabeth Karonga said the World Bank has expressed interest in funding the project and an Environmental Impact Assessment will soon be implemented in advance of the construction.

The Batoka hydro-station is identified as one of the most attractive projects in the region, with great capacity to help southern Africa to exploit the huge hydro potential of the Zambezi River.